Itinerary – Kruger National Park Luxury Tour (3 days) – KNP3D

Kruger National Park Safari Tour (3 days) – KNP3D


Day 1:

08h00. Guests are met at your hotel or airport. We depart from Johannesburg or Pretoria travelling in an easterly direction towards the eastern lowveld of Mpumalanga Province. Mountains, waterfalls, forests, old mining towns and views that appear to go on forever – that’s the incomparable eastern lowveld, where the highveld collapses onto the hot, humid floor of Africa in a spectacular tumble of granite and greenery. At the end of it all lies southern Africa’s great game wilderness, the Kruger National Park, where the lowveld still howls with nature in the raw.

Entering the Kruger after five hours of travelling, the adventure of seeing Africa’s animals in real life begins. After a while of chasing the adrenaline up we arrive at our overnight camp, offload our luggage and continue the game spotting till the camp gates forces us to enter the camp at closing time.

Settle in, do shopping at the local shop with all its interesting souvenirs and necessities or just wander around the camp fence overlooking a river or waterhole as you might be surprised what animals come down to the water for a last drink before the Kruger is folded into a dark blanket for the night.

Take a shower and set off to the restaurant for a sumptuous buffet meal or “braaivleis” (barbeque) prepared by ourselves around a campfire with a cold drink in the hand listening to the roar of a lion, laugh of a hyena or a jackal announcing the discovery of a half-eaten carcass. After a good meal and conversation we hit the bed in a comfortable bungalow.

Day 2:

An early wake up call and set off searching for the lion pride that spent the night sleeping on the dry road, the elephant herd wandering around a waterhole chasing off thirsty antelope till they themselves had enough to drink.

At the next rest-camp or picnic spot we fill the gap in the stomach with a breakfast, stretch a leg and continue the game drive for the rest of the day till we reach the next camp where we will accommodate for the night.

At 04h30 pack in a few drinks, binoculars, camera and sweater. You are going on a 3 hour sunset game drive in an open roof safari vehicle with a game ranger in search for the nocturnal animals such as leopard, hyena and many more animals you might not see during the daytime. Definitely something to look forward to as the night game drives are very educational and the game rangers are well educated in wildlife and the environment.

Arriving back at the camp, a delicious barbeque will be awaiting you. Sit around the campfire and discuss the day’s adventures till the bed calls you.

Day 3:

The last day. Sleep till the bird songs wake you up or go for an early game drive. After a filling breakfast we start our journey towards the exit gate of the Kruger back to Johannesburg or Pretoria. Arrival time at +- 16h00 or depending on the time your flight is leaving.

Inclusive in tour cost:

Accommodation, breakfast, dinner, day game drives with Africa Explore Tours and Safaris, guiding, 1 x open safari game drive, pickup and drop off at O.R.Tambo International airport or Johannesburg area destination.

Exclusive of cost:

Gratuities, tips, alcohol and other beverages, lunch, phone calls, extra game drives on open safari vehicles and excursions with Kruger National Park. Kruger Conservation fees +- R280.00 per person per day. First day breakfast and last day dinner.

What to take with on tour:
Camera with enough batteries and charger.
Sweater for night game drives.
Hat or head protection for day game drives and morning walk.
Sun protection for face and arms during day game drives.
Comfortable shoes for morning walk.
Swim suits as most places have a pool.

Remember to take malaria precautions during the hot summer months of September to April. (23 – 36 degrees Celsius).
Regrets, no children under the age of 6 (six) permitted on the open safari vehicles.

Sharing – when 2 persons sharing one room accommodation. An additional R1,000-00 will be added to the cost per person per night if he/she wants a single room for the night.

(Prices are subject to change without prior notice)